Pet Food


If you have a pet at home and pet food, please bring a sample of the pet food in a ziploc bag.  The students will study the food with magnifying glas. Please don’t write on the bag.  Let’s see if we can match the food with the pet that eats the food. 


Thursday, Feb. 2

Parents,  you are welcome to come join your child for lunch on Thursday, Feb. 2. In pre-k we will eat lunch at 11:30 on Thursday. 


Join us for open house on Thursday evening. It is a great opportunity for you to see the kindergarten classroom and speak to Mrs. Kim, our kindergarten teacher. You can also check out her blog here:


Another 100th Day Project!


100 goldfish



SUNDAY (1/29):

Catholic Schools Week Mass: Sunday is the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. Each class will be represented in each mass beginning with Saturday at 5:30 mass. The Pre-k class, as you know from the blog, will be represented at the 12:30pm mass on Sunday with our 4th grade buddy class. It would be nice to see a presence of our students at the mass. Students are asked to wear their uniform and will receive a free dress pass to be redeemed on Monday, Jan. 30 (tentative).

The children’s choir (featuring Good Shepherd students) will be performing. This event will kick off the national Catholic Schools week activities.

Photo Exhibit: Looking to the Extraordinary in the Commonplace

Please visit the Parish hall after mass on Sunday to check out the photo exhibit.  Each of the students in the school took a picture of their favorite place in the school and titled their photograph.  The pictures have been framed and will be on display in the Parish Hall.


MONDAY (1/30):
Our first school wide activity for Catholic Schools week will be collecting baked goods for our community helpers.  Each student is asked to bring in a store bought, pre-packaged baked good.  It does not need to be anything big.  We will put all the baked goods into baskets and pass out to the local library, fire station, police station, post office and Good Shepherd Church.  We will also include Good Shepherd brochures and thank them.

Happy 100th Day of school!


This week we are counting to 100 every day!





100th Day of School



On Friday, January 27th we are celebrating 100th day of school. We will count to 100 in many different ways during the week and have several 100 activities going on the 27th. Throughout the week we encourge you and your child to be creative in your counting and for your child to bring 100 items into school and show his/her peers how he/she counts to 100 (teachers will help out). This could be making project like below or brining in bag with 100 paperclips, popcorn, pastas, etc. HAVE FUN! 🙂 




What happened?


Today we filled two bottles with liquids; one with plain water and the other with water and salt. We put a string in both bottles and observed what happened.



This website,, seems easy to use and practices many skills.  Of course hands-on practice is prefered, but children also like computer games. 🙂 Have fun!

Try it and let me know what you think!

Field trip! (and VIRTUS training)

Dear Parents,

We are planning field trips for the spring semester!  All parents chaperoning have to be VIRTUS certified. Without VIRTUS certification you are not allowed to join the class. Luckily you have 3 opportunities to become certified here at Good Shepherd School or church before January is over. Please take this opportunity. Next step is to be fingerprinted.

UPCOMING DATES for Virtus Training and/or Fingerprinting

  • VIRTUS TRAINING January 19 @ GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL. Call to RSVP 310-275-8601
  • VIRTUS TRAINING January 26 @ Good Shepherd Church @ 7:00 pm Call 310-285-5425
  • VIRTUS TRAINING January 28 @ Good Shepherd Church @ 1:30 pm Call 310-285-5425

We, Maria Aizpuru and myself have received suggestions on where to go with our pre-k students, a tentative schedule is being made. Please let us know if you have any great suggestions to add to our list.  Also let us know how many children/car seats you are able to fit in your car. THANKS!

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