Christmas Program at Good Shepherd Church

Please mark your calendars!

On Tuesday, December 14, 6:30pm, Good Shepherd School students are singing Christmas songs for the community.

In pre-k we are singing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” and the students are also singing a song in Spanish. The lyrics and movements to the Spanish song are found on Miss Hernandez’s blog, Please help your child practice!

Week of Nov. 29- Dec. 3

This week, we will conclude November’s theme “In the Woods” with a field trip to Frankln Canyon this Tuesday from 9:00-1:00.

December’s theme is “Stories From Around The World” with topics including Advent, Letter: J, Number: 7, Shape: Star, Stories from China, and other bedtime stories.

Sunday November 28 was the First Sunday of Advent. Advent is the time we wait for Jesus.

Book Fair 2010

Dear Families,

Good Shepherd Catholic School is hosting its annual Scholastic Book Fair and we invite families and the community to share in this celebration of books and reading. The book fair will be held at Good Shepherd Parish center.

Come and explore our large selection of books and find great reads for every person in your family.

Friday, Dec. 3- 12:30pm-3:00pm

Saturday, Dec. 4- 4:00pm-7:30pm

Sunday, Dec. 5- 8am-2pm AND 4:00pm-7:30pm


We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you.


Annie De Angelis and Rhea Wahlberg

Book Fair Coordinators




Look for more poems, songs, and coloring pages here:

2011-2012 school year

Enrollement for next school year is in progress.  Your child needs to be 4 years old by September 1, 2011 to qualify.  If you have any questions, please contact the preschool office,

Week of Nov. 22-23

This week’s theme is More Forest Friends, with topics including Letter I, Beavers, Mice and Deer, and Squares.

Monday:  Lunch with 4th grade buddies with our Thanksgiving hats

Tuesday: Pre-k Thanksgiving Luncheon

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Pre-K Fun November 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010


Bring a $1 and wear a crazy hat tomorrow!

It is also sprit day,  wear spirit t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes with the crazy hat!:)

Franklin Canyon Field Trip

Field Trip to Frankin Canyon in Beverly Hills will be on Tuesday, November 30 from 9:00-1:00. Please sign up if you are available to drive. This will be a wonderful field trip with two trained naturalists leading our adventures, and will connect the November pre-k theme of “In the Woods” with real life experiences.

Here is a map:

This is the webpage for Franklin Canyon:

Week of Nov. 15-19

This Week’s Theme is Forest Friends High and Low. Topics include: Letter H, Turkeys, Owls and Moles, Opposites High/Low, and Number 6.

*Parent-Teacher conferences are on Wednesday-no school for students. We look forward to meeting with you.

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