Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Be safe and enjoy the week.

God Bless,

Ms. Hellstrom, Ms. Franco and Ms. Bramon



  • Last day to turn in $7 for Pre-k Thanksgiving Feast is Thursday morning
  • All are welcomed to join in our celebration of Thanksgiving Thursday Nov. 20th at 2pm.
  • Friday is the last day to turn in food and $2 donation for the Red Bucket Drive.
  • Remeber to sell and turn in those raffle tckets! Due Date to be announced =)

Thanksgiving Feast in Pre-K

On Thursday November 20, 2008 we will be celebrateing thanksgiving in Pre-k. All parents are invited to join in our celebration of thanks starting at 2:00pm. We are asking that all children bring in $7 no later than wednesday for their meal. Our Room Mother Robin Rodriguez has ordered our lunch from Kucuroos and it will be just like a real thanksgiving dinner including; turkey, stuffing, mash potatos, gravey, cranberry sauce, and apple pie. (Also on this day, please pack your child only a snack) We can’t wait and hopethat you will all join us! =D

This Week in Pre-K

Wow, doesn’t it just feel like Novemeber just flew by? We have been making all sorts of turkies and lovely thanksgiving crafts in Pre-k in preparation for this holiday of thanks.We have even learned a prayer that the children can share at Thanksgiving Dinner!

Thank You God. . .

Thank you for the world so sweet.

Thank you for the food we eat.

Thank you for the birds that sing.

Thank you god for eveything!

In this month of November we have also been learning about all sorts of tools. Tools we use to build things with, tools we use in the kitchen, in the garden, at school, ect. As an extension at home,you may want to point out the tools that you use in your very own home.


 Thank you to all who particpated in last Thursday’s Share Day! We had an absolute blast and the children really enjoyed being able to share their something special from home with their friend. From now until the end of the school year Thursday is our offical “Share Day”!

Thank you also to those of you who brought in a fall fruit or veggie to share with the class. We had a great circle time and were even able to experience a new experience! Some of the children had persimins for the first time and also had a little taste of kiwis, apples, an orange, ect. It was truely a great circle time. Thanks for your cooperation. 🙂


There are many funderaisers going on at this time! Please take into consideration that we are a Catholic school and all our funding is what you provide. It would be great if you are able to give some for each of our projects and fundraisers. I am still collecting money for the floor, give as much as you can. The sooner I have the funds the sooner we will be able to install the new floor and the more time your child will have playing on it.

Other fundraisers at this time are: The Raffle– an envelope was sent home this week. If every child sells the minimum amount of tickets, Ms. Franco, will get a gift certificate. We are also collecting food for the annual Thanksgiving Red Bucket that will help provide families in need with food. Each basket turned in will give points at Westside Pavilion and at the end of the year the school gets gift cards to use for educational materials. In the beginning of December we will have our annual Scholastic Book Fair. The profit is transfered into points and the school is able to get  books and furniture etc. for free. The furniture in our book corner was bought with these points.

Thank you for your generosity!

Thank you for your participation this week!:)

Thank you everyone for your participation in our first official share day yesterday! The children really enjoyed both sharing about their toy and sharing their toy during free playtime. Also, thank you to those of you who brought in fall fruits and veggies to share! Some of the children experienced tasting a persimmon for the first time and they loved it!

Check out my Slide Show!

Good Shepherd Sunday Preschool

Welcome to Good Shepherd Sunday Preschool!

Sunday preschool is open most Sundays from September to the beginning of May. The hours of operation are during 10:30 mass (10:15-11:45approx.). Children between the ages 2 1/2 and 5  (kindergarten) years old are welcome. In addition to Sunday Preschool we have recently started a faith formation and sacrament perparation program for first graders.

On Sunday mornings the children gather in age appropriate groups to pray, sing, discuss, create (art activitity) and develop a relationship with God. The teachers caring for the children are fingerprinted, have Early Childhood experience, CPR training and are VIRTUES trained. The teachers are: Maggie, Bliss, Jill, Rose, Petra, Carol, and Erin.

Tuition: Sunday Preschool $150, Faith Formation and Sacrament Preparation $350.

If you have any questions or to enroll please contact Petra Hellstrom: preschool_director@goodshepherdbeverlyhills.com, or 310 2758601, ext. 106



November 11- NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day!

November 12- Parent Techer Conferences 12-7pm

November 24-26-26 NO SCHOOL


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