Welcome to a New School Year!!

Dear Pre-K  Students,

Welcome to our  class! It is a pleasure to have you join our school. We are looking forward to many fun and exciting times together as we pray, sing, color, paint, play, learn and grow up together.

We can hardly wait to meet you!

God bless you and your family.


Ms. Hellstrom (Preschool Director), Mrs. Cohen and Ms. Arnold



Dear Parents,

Below you will find information about the beginning of the  year. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me, the best way is through and email, preschool_director@goodshepherdbeverlyhills.com

Monday, August 30- The First Day!

The doors open at 7:30 for working parents. If you don’t need to be there this early, please be at school no later than 8:45am every day. That is when we start our day and we want all children there at this time. It is important for a child to start the day off with the group, to feel involved and know what will happen during the day. Your child will feel a lot more confident and secure if he/she is there for “circle time” each day. Rembember to sign your child in and out with a readable signature by the front door.

Ten  students are new to our class. It may be scary the first days. If you, the parents, don’t feel comfortable leaving your child on his/her own the first days you are welcome to stay between 8:45-11am with your child. When you decide to leave, please let us teachers know and we will take care of your child, especially if he/she is sad. Please return when you have told your child you will do so.

The first two days are half days for the whole school, dismissal is at 12:30. Please pick your child up no later than 12:45. After that a late fee will be charged. On days when school ends at 3:00pm, 3:15 is the latest time to pick up before a late fee is charged. Please send a lunch on Monday and Tuesday. In pre-k students eat lunch every day at 11:45, even on days when dismissal is at 12:30pm.

On Thursday’s we have share day and this is the only day your child can bring toys from home to share with his/her friends in the class. However, it is ok to keep a little soft animal in the cubby for comfort at all times. 

Thursday is “SHARE DAY” in our prek.  This is the only day your child can bring toys from home to share with his/her friends in the class. Students will tell us about their toy/item, why they chose that particular item, who gave it to them and how long they have had it, etc. However, it is ok to keep a little soft animal in the cubby for comfort at all times. This may be useful the first weeks of school.

Please send Petra Hellstrom (director) an email today if you are enrolling your child in afterschool care. preschool_director@goodshepherdbeverlyhills.com We need to know how many children we have to be able to organize it, if not enough students are signing up we need to look into another solution than using Adeste as our afterschool program.

A supply list is posted on the school website and the same list is also here:

2010-2011 Pre-K Supply List

Please send:  

One tissue box in September and one in January

Baby wipes

One ream of turquoise copy paper

Construction paper: 12 x 8 and 12 x 18 of all colors

Tissue paper of all colors

Glue-Elmer’s school glue-liquid (white)


Art materials are always appreciated: 

eg. felt, ribbons, yarn, buttons, googly eyes, tongue depressors,white cardstock paper reams, etc.


 All students need to have a set of clean clothes in their cubby at all times including:

Underwear, Socks, Pants (preferably dark blue, but any dark color is acceptable)

T-shirt (gray or white)

A blanket for naptime (will be sent home weekly for wash)


Before your child will be able to attend school a current (not older than one year on 8/30/10) negative tb-test result  need to be on file. While going through the files many students are missing this. Please get it done asap. Thanks!

The following forms are also requried for us to have on file (bring the original and we will make the copies), in addition to the forms required by Child Care Licensing:
Yellow vaccination form (a computer printout from the doctor’s office is also ok)
Birth Certificate
Social Security card

As Monday approches more information will be posted here. Send me an email at the address above if you have any questions.

See you on Monday!

🙂 Ms. Hellstrom, Ms. Cohen and Ms. Arnold